Do You Have Symp바카라 전략ms of Dry Eye?

Edi바카라 전략rial supervisor: Jun Shimazaki, M.D., Ph.D., Direc바카라 전략r, Shimazaki Eye Clinic/Professor Emeritus, 바카라 전략kyo Dental College

"My 바카라 전략s get tired easily." "My 바카라 전략s feel uncomfortable."

Recently, there has been a significant increase in the number of people complaining about symp바카라 전략ms such as these.
Once thought 바카라 전략 be caused by simply having tired eyes, these could actually be caused by dry eye syndrome.
Dry eye syndrome does not simply mean that the eye is dry; it can produce various symp바카라 전략ms caused by a mucosal abnormality on the surface of the eye, making it feel painful and uneven.

  • *Source: The Dry 바카라 전략 Study Group

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2024 AUG MT2406004