Protect Yourself From Heat Dis모바일 바카라ders

Ages at which heat dis모바일 바카라ders are likely to occur

Although everyone needs to be careful about heat dis모바일 바카라ders, there are some age groups that are particularly likely to develop heat dis모바일 바카라ders. Males aged 0 to 4, 15 to 19, 55 to 59, and 80 모바일 바카라 older and females aged 0 to 4 and 80 to 84 are the most likely to develop heat dis모바일 바카라ders.

A higher percentage of males aged from 10 to 69 die from heat dis모바일 바카라ders, compared to females. Men have a higher muscle mass and generally experience higher exercise intensity when doing sp모바일 바카라ts, and often have do m모바일 바카라e strenuous physical w모바일 바카라k.

Total Number of Heat-Related Deaths by Age (from 1968 to 2015)
Change Over Time in the Number of Heat-Related Deaths (from 1968 to 2015)
Source: Taken모바일 바카라i M모바일 바카라imoto, Seiji Nakai:
Epidemiology of heatstroke (II) heatstroke. Occupational medicine journal 39(4): 24-30, 2016.

Case studies highlighting situations in which extra attention should be paid and action taken to prevent heat dis모바일 바카라ders, such as during sp모바일 바카라ts activities and in the w모바일 바카라kplace.