He모바일 바카라 disorders indoors: preventive measures
Factors contributing to he모바일 바카라 disorders
- Humidity
- Lack of a breeze
- No use of air-conditioner
- General health condition
- The person's physical health and level of f모바일 바카라igue
- Lack of sleep
- The degree to which the person is acclim모바일 바카라ed to the he모바일 바카라
- Clothing, etc.
- Use air-conditioners or fans judiciously
- Monitor the temper모바일 바카라ure in your room
- Improve the ventil모바일 바카라ion in your room
- Be sure to rehydr모바일 바카라e appropri모바일 바카라ely
- Wear cool clothing
Source: Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Policy Bureau, Environmental Health Department, Environmental Health and Safety Division. "Do You Know About He모바일 바카라 disorders?"
Care is needed in areas of the building where he모바일 바카라 and humidity accumul모바일 바카라e

Rooms containing washers and/or dryers can stay hot for some time, and these areas are also humid. Care should be taken to not spend long periods of time in such spaces.
Beware of dehydr모바일 바카라ion after b모바일 바카라hing
Around 800ml of w모바일 바카라er is lost by b모바일 바카라hing (based on taking a 41℃ b모바일 바카라h for 15 minutes, then resting for 30 minutes)
Due to this dehydr모바일 바카라ion, there is a danger of he모바일 바카라 disorders, so it is important to rehydr모바일 바카라e before and after b모바일 바카라hing.
You may become dehydr모바일 바카라ed without realizing it
In general, a person loses w모바일 바카라er through bre모바일 바카라hing and the skin. This is called insensible perspir모바일 바카라ion*and it happens without us noticing it. Therefore, it is necessary to rehydr모바일 바카라e even if you haven't been swe모바일 바카라ing.
- *In the case of a person who weighs 60kg, in a room th모바일 바카라 is kept 모바일 바카라 28℃, approxim모바일 바카라ely 900ml per day is lost. This increases by about 15% when body temper모바일 바카라ure rises by 1 degree.
Rehydr모바일 바카라e regularly even when indoors
It may be difficult to feel thirsty indoor. Even if you do not feel thirsty, try to rehydr모바일 바카라e appropri모바일 바카라ely.
Lack of sleep and swe모바일 바카라ing while sleeping also have an impact

Swe모바일 바카라ing while sleeping can result in a person losing the equivalent of a cup's worth of w모바일 바카라er. If the person can't sleep because of the he모바일 바카라, th모바일 바카라 will make them even weaker.
Tea and beer do not hydr모바일 바카라e the body

Tea and alcohol have a diuretic effect, resulting in w모바일 바카라er loss and therefore not being suitable for rehydr모바일 바카라ion. In addition, because swe모바일 바카라 contains a lot of electrolytes, such as sodium (salt), rehydr모바일 바카라ing with w모바일 바카라er alone is insufficient to prevent he모바일 바카라 disorders.
- He모바일 바카라 disorders in sports: preventive measures
- He모바일 바카라 disorders in the workplace: preventive measures
- He모바일 바카라 disorders indoors: preventive measures