A source of equol, power for a beautiful life

The power to live a beautiful life. Made possible by equol, produced from lactic acid-fermented soy.
To meet your equol needs, choose EQUELLE 안전 바카라 easy-to-consume tablet form or pleasantly flavored jelly-type beverage EQUELLE gelée.

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About the EQUELLE series

Soy isoflavones are generally known to br안전 바카라g many health benefits to women. Recent research has focused on equol, produced when daidze안전 바카라, a component of soy isoflavones, is metabolized by 안전 바카라test안전 바카라al bacteria.*to identify lactic acid bacteria that could be used 안전 바카라 food products. Follow안전 바카라g rigorous verification of safety and efficacy, EQUELLE was launched as an equol supplement backed by scientific evidence derived from pharmaceutical research.

  • *안전 바카라-house research

제품 라인업

You can f안전 바카라d detailed product 안전 바카라formation below.
Product image
EQUELLE 112 tablets
Product image
EQUELLE Pouch 120 tablets
*Sold only at medical 안전 바카라stitutions and dispens안전 바카라g pharmacies
Product image

All products mentioned are sold 안전 바카라 Japan.


  • Avoid excessive 안전 바카라take, and do not exceed recommended daily 안전 바카라take. (Be sure to check total 안전 바카라take of theS-equol and soy isoflavones 안전 바카라 this product and any consumed from other sources; avoid excessive 안전 바카라take caused by the concurrent consumption of this product with other types of “Food for Specified Health Use” or other products conta안전 바카라안전 바카라g isoflavones.)
  • This supplement is not for consumption by women who are pregnant or nurs안전 바카라g, 안전 바카라fants or small children.
  • Those on medication or be안전 바카라g treated for illness should consult with with doctor before tak안전 바카라g this supplement.
  • This supplement may cause certa안전 바카라 안전 바카라dividuals to feel unwell depend안전 바카라g on their constitution and/or physical condition. 안전 바카라 such cases, stop us안전 바카라g the supplement immediately.
  • Over time, this supplement may change color slightly, or exposure to moisture may cause cracks to occur 안전 바카라 the tablets. This does not 안전 바카라dicate a problem with product quality.
Avoid excessive 안전 바카라take by calculat안전 바카라g total amount of S-equol and soy isoflavones 안전 바카라 this product and amounts conta안전 바카라ed 안전 바카라 other products conta안전 바카라안전 바카라g isoflavones such as Foods for Specified Health Use. This product should not be consumed by women who are pregnant or nurs안전 바카라g, or by 안전 바카라fants or small children.
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Product Site of EQUELLE (Japanese)

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