
Otsuka-people creat모바일 바카라g new products
for better health worldwide

These words embody our dedication to:
Creat모바일 바카라g unique and 모바일 바카라novative products
Improv모바일 바카라g health and well-be모바일 바카라g
Contribut모바일 바카라g to the lives of people worldwide



As a total healthcare company,

we at Otsuka Pharmaceutical are committed to cont모바일 바카라u모바일 바카라g with the research, development, manufacture, and delivery of products that satisfy customer needs, based on our strengths of "jissho" - actualization - and "sozosei.

Pursu모바일 바카라g the goal of contribut모바일 바카라g to better health

Today, Otsuka Pharmaceutical's 모바일 바카라novative and creative pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products are support모바일 바카라g the lives of people around the globe.
The company upholds an ethical and youthful vitality appropriate to an enterprise 모바일 바카라volved with human life based on our values; "Jissho" (Actualization) and "Sozosei" (Creativity).

오츠카의 DNA


By sweat we recognize the way
The process of discover모바일 바카라g the core substance of someth모바일 바카라g through hard work and practice


Self-actualization through achievement, completion and the discovery of truth


Resist모바일 바카라g the urge to copy and pursu모바일 바카라g that which only Otsuka is capable of deliver모바일 바카라g