Privacy Policy

In accordance with the Privacy Protection Act, Mirtec Co., LTD ('', hereinafter referred to as 'Mirtec'), protects the privacy information of users and their rights.
To facilitate the goal, the company has the following policies:

○  Any changes made to the Privacy Policy, Mirtec will notify on its website’s notification board.
The policy will take into effects on January 1, 2018.

1. Purpose of Private Information Handling
Mirtec handles private information for the following purposes. The processed private information will not be used for purposes other than the following.

1) Inquiry and request processing
Mirtec processes private 온라인 포커 사이트information for inquiries and requests.
2) Service support
Mirtec will process your private information to contact you for service support and to respond.
2. Private information file
Mirtec does not store private information collected from websites into files.

3. Processing and Retention Period of Private information

1)    Mirtec technology keeps private information in accordance with laws and regulations. Private information is processed and retained within the period of use or the period of use of private information that is agreed upon when collecting private information from the user
2) Each private information processing and retention period is as follows.
     Private information related to inquiries and request processing will be retained and used for the above purposes from the date of consent for the collection and use until the completion of the inquiry and request for an inquiry.
- Retention basis: website inquiry, service, and other inquiries via e-mail

4. Rights and duties of the subject of information and legal representatives and the Exertion
You may exercise the following rights as a private information subject.
1) The information subject can exercise the rights such as reading, correcting, deleting and suspending processing of private information at any time 온라인 포커 사이트with respect to Mirtec.
2) The exercise of rights pursuant to Paragraph 1 may be made in writing, e-mail or fax (FAX) pursuant to Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Privacy Protection Act
3) The exercise of rights under Paragraph (1) may be done through the legal representative of the information entity or the agent who has been delegated. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney according to Form 11 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Privacy Protection Act.
4) Requests to stop viewing and processing private information may be subject to restrictions on the subject of information pursuant to Article 35 (5) and Article 37 (2) of the Privacy Protection Act.
5) The request for correction and deletion of private information cannot be requested to be deleted if the other private information is specified in the other statute.
6) Mirtec confirms whether the person who requests the reading, correction or deletion according to the right of information subject and requests to stop processing is the person himself or a legitimate agent.

5. List of Processed Private Information
Mirtec handles the following private information items.
1) Required items: email, name, phone number (wired or mobile phone)
현금포커사이트2) Optional items: title, department

6. Destruction of private information
In principle, Mirtec destroys private information without delay when the purpose of processing private information is achieved. The procedures, deadlines and methods of destruction are as follows.
1) Destruction procedure
The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate DB after completion of the purpose (separate documents in the case of paper) and is stored or temporarily destroyed after a certain period of time according to internal policies and other related laws. At this time, the private information transferred to the DB is not used for other purposes unless it is under the law.

2) Destruction Period Due
If the private information of the user has been kept in excess, Mirtec shall destroy the information within 5 days from the end of the period of holding the private information, if the private information such as accomplishing the purpose of processing private information pr abolishing the service, Mirtec will destroy the private information within 5 days from the day when it is recognized that the processing of the private information is unnecessary.
3) Destruction Method
Information in the form of electronic files shall 온라인 포커 사이트proceed with a technical method so that it cannot be reproduced. Private information printed on paper is crushed by a crusher or destroyed by incineration.

7. Matters on installation, operation, and rejection of automatic collection of private information
Mirtec does not use "cookies" that store information about the subject of information and use for the cache.

8. Private information Protection Guardian in written form
Mirtec is responsible for the handling of private information and has designated the person responsible for private information protection as follows for the complaint handling and damage relief of the information subject related to private information processing.

▶ Private information protection officer
Name: Park Chanhwa
Position: Representative Director
Contact: 031-202-5999,

▶ Private information protection department
Department: Global Marketing Team
Contact: Lee Jae-il Manager
Contact: 031-428-3415,
※ You may inquire about private information protection related complaints, complaints, damages remedies, etc. when you use the service (or business) of Mirtec. Mirtec will answer and process inquiries of information subject without delay.

9. Change of private information processing policy
1) This private information processing policy will 온라인 포커 사이트 추천be applied from the effective date. If there is any addition, deletion or correction of the change according to laws and policies, it will be announced from seven (7) days before the change.

10. Measures to ensure the safety of private information
According to Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, Mirtec has the technical, administrative and physical measures necessary for securing safety as follows.
1) Perform regular self-audit
We conduct our audits regularly (quarterly) to ensure the stability of handling private information.
2) Minimization and education of private information handling staff
Employees who deal with private information are designated and limited to the person in charge, and measures are taken to minimize private information.
3) Forgery prevention
We use security features to prevent forgery, theft, and loss of private information collected.
4) Restrict access to private information
We take necessary measures to control access to private information through the granting, editing and deleting of access to private information collected from websites. We also control unauthorized access from outside by using an intrusion prevention system.
5) Access control to unauthorized persons
We have set up a separate physical storage area for private information and set up access control procedures.