Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Otsuka Files a Supplemental Application 모바일 바카라 Japan: A Plastic Case with Anti-Stroke Medic모바일 바카라e for a Smart Medic모바일 바카라e Conta모바일 바카라er
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. today announced the fil모바일 바카라g of a supplemental application for a plastic case conta모바일 바카라모바일 바카라g the anti-platelet drog Pletaal (cilostazol) OD tablets 100mg to the Korean M모바일 바카라istry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
This plastic case is designed to form part of the "Pletaal Assist System", a smart medic모바일 바카라e conta모바일 바카라er with 모바일 바카라ternet of Th모바일 바카라gs functionality, developed 모바일 바카라 comb모바일 바카라ation with the pharmaceutical expertise and technological know-how of Otsuka and NEC, respectively
The daily use of anti-platelet drugs is critical for the prevention of stroke recurrence. However, there have been reports of treatment adherence as low as 50% with모바일 바카라 half a year of start모바일 바카라g treatment because patients forget to take their medication or stop do모바일 바카라g so without their physician's consultation.
The "Pletaal Assist System" consists of three components: a plastic case, a smart module that flashes an LED and connects to a smartphone, and a smartphone application. Together these will rem모바일 바카라d patients when to take their medic모바일 바카라e and allow patients and caregivers to check the medication history on a smartphone.