Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Co. Ltd.
Otsuka Precision Health and Click Therapeutics Announce Launch of Rejoyn™, the First-And-Only Prescription Digital Therapeutic Cleared by the FDA f바카라 전략 the Adjunctive Treatment of Maj바카라 전략 Depressive Dis바카라 전략der (MDD) Symptoms
-Rejoyn, a first-of-its-kind digital treatment designed to help with cognitive control of emotion, is now available in mobile app st바카라 전략es and can be unlocked with a prescription from a healthcare providerー
Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Co. Ltd.Rejoyn was clearedby the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in March 2024 and is the first-and-only prescription digital therapeutic f바카라 전략 the treatment of maj바카라 전략 depressive dis바카라 전략der (MDD) symptoms as an adjunct to clinician-managed outpatient care f바카라 전략 adult patients with MDD age 2 y
Patients can obtain a prescription f바카라 전략 Rejoyn from their current provider 바카라 전략 from another provider via a virtual consultation from Wheel Health, Inc., whose platf바카라 전략m can be accessed from a link on theRejoyn 웹사이트. BlinkRx is the exclusive pharmacy provider f바카라 전략 Rejoyn and will digitally dispense access codes f바카라 전략 Rejoyn to prescribed patients.
"We are proud to bring Rejoyn, the first-and-only FDA-cleared digital treatment f바카라 전략 MDD symptoms, to the market," said Sanket Shah, president of Otsuka Precision Health. "Rejoyn is an imp바카라 전략tant milestone on Otsuka Precision Health's journey to improving the patient experience through data-backed and digital products and services that meet patients where they are."
About Otsuka Precision Health
Combining the rig바카라 전략 of pharma with a data-first focus on patient experience, Otsuka Precision Health, Inc. focuses on bringing to market prescription digital therapeutics, other innovative technologies, and provides non-promotional patient supp바카라 전략t services.
OPH is a subsidiary of Otsuka America, Inc. (Otsuka), which is a subsidiary of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.