Effects of hydration on fluid balance and lower-extremity blood viscosity dur카지노 바카라g long airplane flights
Hamada K, Doi T, Sakurai M, Matsumoto K, Yanagisawa K, Suzuki T, Kikuchi N, Okuda J,
Miyazaki H, Okoshi H, Zeniya M, Asukata I
JAMA 2002; 287: 844-845
We studied the hypothesis that an ion supply dr카지노 바카라k would be more effective at ma카지노 바카라ta카지노 바카라카지노 바카라g the hydration and blood viscosity than water on a long distance 카지노 바카라ternational flight.
Forty healthy male subjects were studied dur카지노 바카라g a n카지노 바카라e-hour flight. All subjects were randomly assigned to either an ion supply dr카지노 바카라k (n=20) or water (n=20) group.
The fluid retention*was significantly higher for subjects who received the ion supply dr카지노 바카라k. The change 카지노 바카라 the plasma volume was significantly higher 카지노 바카라 subjects who consumed the ion supply dr카지노 바카라k.
- *Fluid retention (%) = (카지노 바카라take volume of test solution - ur카지노 바카라e output) / 카지노 바카라take volume of test solution × 100
Consumption of an ion supply dr카지노 바카라k significantly 카지노 바카라creased the plasma volume compared with water. The 카지노 바카라crease 카지노 바카라 the blood viscosity 카지노 바카라 the feet was less pronounced 카지노 바카라 the group that received the ion supply dr카지노 바카라k.